BOBA Thai Tea Kinley Thai Bistro! spesial menu hanya di food bazaar @mallcentrepoint
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Promo Kinley Di Food Bazaar @kinleybistro Centre Point Mall 23-27 Oct 2019
• FREE Tom Yum utk pembelian 100rb
• FREE limited edition botol utk pembelian minuman
Nikmati pulut durian, kolak durian, pulut mangga, pisang goreng, ubi Thailand dan minuman authentic Thai IceTea dan Thai Lemongrass Jelly. Harga tertera di gambar. (Slide)
*FREE tomyum berupa kupon yang bisa ditukar di Kinley Sun Plaza/Thamrin Plaza dgn nasi/bihun/kwetiao TomYum Ayam
*FREE botol minuman selama persediaan masih ada

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