Ubi Thailand Kinley, cocok buat dessert atau snack/ngopi bersama
Tag: kuliner
Enjoy Pulut Mangga Thailand Kinley, authentic Thai Sticky Rice, authentic taste! Anytime of the day
Enjoy Pulut Mangga Thailand Kinley, authentic Thai Sticky Rice, authentic taste! Anytime of the day
The symbol of heaven for heavenly tasty 😋 the Kinley symbol 🙏
The symbol of heaven for heavenly tasty 😋 the Kinley symbol 🙏
Kinley new store decor…. :) watch out
Kinley new store decor…. 🙂 watch out
Clear soup Tom Yum! Light authentic taste! Try this for a change! Available with seafood, chicken or vegetarian
Clear soup Tom Yum! Light authentic taste! Try this for a change! Available with seafood, chicken or vegetarian
Pulut Mangga dan Pulut Kelapa Thailand Kinley is here at Sun Plaza Food Carnival! Get our carnival promo Buy 3 Get 4 only till 09 Jul 2017. Thank you @michael_winata for sharing your review. Read more
Pulut Mangga dan Pulut Kelapa Thailand Kinley is here at Sun Plaza Food Carnival! Get our carnival promo Buy 3 Get 4 only till 09 Jul 2017. Thank you @michael_winata for sharing your review. Read more
Tang Hoon Goong! Ini tanghoon Udang yang terkenal di seafood restaurant Thailand, sekarang anda bisa nikmati di Medan! Di sediakan oleh MasterChef Bangkok, wajib coba!
Tang Hoon Goong! Ini tanghoon Udang yang terkenal di seafood restaurant Thailand, sekarang anda bisa nikmati di Medan! Di sediakan oleh MasterChef Bangkok, wajib coba!
Healthy Fresh Corn Milk! First in Medan… only at Kinley Sun Plaza Food Carnival. Harga promo hanya Rp15rb, Silakan Tanya untuk tester. Tersedia juga Thai lemongrass, Thai milktea dan greentea. Tentu saja jangan lupa Thai dessert Kinley! Promo Buy 3 Get 4 promo khusus carnival. … Health Benefits of Corn Milk: rich in vitamins and minerals, prevents cancer, controls diabetes and hypertension, good for skin, lowers cholesterol, protect the heart and many more benefits. Try it now at Kinley Food Carnival.
Healthy Fresh Corn Milk! First in Medan… only at Kinley Sun Plaza Food Carnival. Harga promo hanya Rp15rb, Silakan Tanya untuk tester.
Tersedia juga Thai lemongrass, Thai milktea dan greentea. Tentu saja jangan lupa Thai dessert Kinley! Promo Buy 3 Get 4 promo khusus carnival. …
Health Benefits of Corn Milk: rich in vitamins and minerals, prevents cancer, controls diabetes and hypertension, good for skin, lowers cholesterol, protect the heart and many more benefits. Try it now at Kinley Food Carnival.
Nasi Goreng Ayam Kemangi Thailand, buat yang suka Nasgor khas Thailand, awas pedas
Nasi Goreng Ayam Kemangi Thailand, buat yang suka Nasgor khas Thailand, awas pedas
Kwetiao Goreng Sapi Thailand Kinley, wajib di coba buat yang suka Kwetiao Goreng. Rasakan authentic Thai Kwetiao hanya di Kinley :)
Kwetiao Goreng Sapi Thailand Kinley, wajib di coba buat yang suka Kwetiao Goreng. Rasakan authentic Thai Kwetiao hanya di Kinley 🙂