Seru juga foto makan Mie sop Ayam ala Thai Kinley #Repost from @ivonejeanethomas with @repostapp Terima kasih telah partisipasi, Silakan tag teman2 anda di foto Ini utk likes dan menangkan #makangratiskinley utk 2 orang. Utk yg ingin ikut partisipasi, Silakan post foto dan tag @kinleybistro #kulinermedan #makangratiskinley #medan …………… #Aroi Mak Mak di Kinley#MakanGratisKinley@KinleyBistro#BangkokStreetFood
Tag: nomnom
Main dish + #desserts menjadi must eat di #KinleyThaiBistro #Repost from @pintasitepu with @repostapp Silakan tag teman2 anda utk like foto ini utk menangkan #makangratiskinley utk 2 orang. Utk ikut kontes foto silakan post foto Ke #instagram dgn thema #aroimakmak dan tag @kinleybistro #makangratiskinley #kulinermedan #medan
Main dish + #desserts menjadi must eat di #KinleyThaiBistro #Repost from @pintasitepu with @repostapp Silakan tag teman2 anda utk like foto ini utk menangkan #makangratiskinley utk 2 orang. Utk ikut kontes foto silakan post foto Ke #instagram dgn thema #aroimakmak dan tag @kinleybistro #makangratiskinley #kulinermedan #medan
Lagi lakukan quality control yg rutin, Utk makan Malam kali ini min pesan Khao Pra neng Ma-Nao – Nasi Sop Ikan Lemon biar ringan di perut
Lagi lakukan quality control yg rutin, Utk makan Malam kali ini min pesan Khao Pra neng Ma-Nao – Nasi Sop Ikan Lemon biar ringan di perut
Thank you for the tags #yummy #delicious of our popular Northern Thai Set of papaya salad and Thaj chicken wings with rice… @wisantianis Kop Khun kap
Thank you for the tags #yummy #delicious of our popular Northern Thai Set of papaya salad and Thaj chicken wings with rice… @wisantianis Kop Khun kap
Ngopi time? Introducing our latest drinks menu “Siam Coffee” our special signature blend of Thai IceTea with Coffee giving you a unique taste of bitter sweetness. Everyone loves our authentic #ThaiIceTea and if you love coffee, you will love this special blend. Available hot or cold/ice… Come try today, request #SiamCoffeeKinley with our waiters.
Ngopi time? Introducing our latest drinks menu “Siam Coffee” our special signature blend of Thai IceTea with Coffee giving you a unique taste of bitter sweetness. Everyone loves our authentic #ThaiIceTea and if you love coffee, you will love this special blend. Available hot or cold/ice… Come try today, request #SiamCoffeeKinley with our waiters.
Three most favorite #desserts #KinleyThaiBistro
Three most favorite #desserts #KinleyThaiBistro
Terima kasih @medaneating dan teman2 Yg datang ke #KinleyThaiBistro dan berikan feedback yg fantastis #AroiMakMak
Terima kasih @medaneating dan teman2 Yg datang ke #KinleyThaiBistro dan berikan feedback yg fantastis #AroiMakMak
Always happy to see parents bring their little ones to dine with us. Repost from @ivonejeanethomas with @repostapp ingat tag Teman2 anda disini utk like foto anda dan menangkan #makangratiskinley Utk 2 makanan dan minuman pilihan anda
Always happy to see parents bring their little ones to dine with us. Repost from @ivonejeanethomas with @repostapp ingat tag Teman2 anda disini utk like foto anda dan menangkan #makangratiskinley Utk 2 makanan dan minuman pilihan anda
And the winner of #MakanGratisKinley instagram photo contest is….. @dinarizkha Congratulations
And the winner of #MakanGratisKinley instagram photo contest is….. @dinarizkha Congratulations
Another funtastic day…. We hope everyone enjoy their meals at #KinleyThaiBistro authentic #BangkokStreetFood #SunPlaza #Medan level 4. Have a great week ahead Kop Khun kap
Another funtastic day…. We hope everyone enjoy their meals at #KinleyThaiBistro authentic #BangkokStreetFood #SunPlaza #Medan level 4. Have a great week ahead Kop Khun kap