TGIF! Yeah, kami telah menyediakan byk menu #dessert spesial weekend ini! Cobalah NumYen Volcano ini! Kalau di Singapore ada ice kacang, di #BangkokStreetFood ada NumYen dan anda bisa cicipi NumYen Volcano ini yg spesial khusus di #KinleyThaiBistro es serut NumYen dan roti di siram susu
Tag: nomnom
Just had a great workout at the gym and want something light for dinner? Try this combo…. Thai chicken wing and papaya salad
Just had a great workout at the gym and want something light for dinner? Try this combo…. Thai chicken wing and papaya salad
Nice photo of our food by Stephanie Wie posted in #Path thank you for sharing….
Nice photo of our food by Stephanie Wie posted in #Path thank you for sharing….
Authentic Ubi Thailand and Pulut Mangga, have you tried them? Only at #KinleyThaiBistro … “Superr enakk” menurut @chelciachan terima kasih yah atas rekomendasinya kop khun kap
Authentic Ubi Thailand and Pulut Mangga, have you tried them? Only at #KinleyThaiBistro … “Superr enakk” menurut @chelciachan terima kasih yah atas rekomendasinya kop khun kap
Menu hari ini utk food testing dan quality control yg rutin kami lakukan adalah Ba-Mee Gai Tum, atau Mie Sop Ayam Thailand. Karena tidak pedas, Mie ini adalah kesukaan anak2 dan benar selalu habis sampai mangkok kosong. Buat yg lebih suka pedas, boleh minta tambah cabe
Menu hari ini utk food testing dan quality control yg rutin kami lakukan adalah Ba-Mee Gai Tum, atau Mie Sop Ayam Thailand. Karena tidak pedas, Mie ini adalah kesukaan anak2 dan benar selalu habis sampai mangkok kosong. Buat yg lebih suka pedas, boleh minta tambah cabe
Pulut for brunch, lunch, tea time, dinner time, dessert time? You’ve come to the right place at #KinleyThaiBistro ✌️ thank you @kartikasc for the kindest review of our Pulut 4 Rasa Thai, another signature #dessert from #KinleyThaiBistro #BangkokStreetFood kop khun kap
Pulut for brunch, lunch, tea time, dinner time, dessert time? You’ve come to the right place at #KinleyThaiBistro ✌️ thank you @kartikasc for the kindest review of our Pulut 4 Rasa Thai, another signature #dessert from #KinleyThaiBistro #BangkokStreetFood kop khun kap
We love to have birthday surprises at #KinleyThaiBistro good friends celebrating have great times, thank you @susanty_ong for sharing with friends and family kop khun kap
We love to have birthday surprises at #KinleyThaiBistro good friends celebrating have great times, thank you @susanty_ong for sharing with friends and family kop khun kap
Siapa Lagi on diet? Tapi masih pengen makan #Thaifood
Siapa Lagi on diet? Tapi masih pengen makan #Thaifood
Today’s special! Pulut Taro Panggang (keladi) and Pulut Pisang Panggang – #BangkokStreetFood only at #KinleyThaiBistro Selalu perhatikan counter kami Atau menanya waiters kami utk menu spesial… Kop khun kap
Today’s special! Pulut Taro Panggang (keladi) and Pulut Pisang Panggang – #BangkokStreetFood only at #KinleyThaiBistro Selalu perhatikan counter kami Atau menanya waiters kami utk menu spesial… Kop khun kap
Yearning for Authentic Thai TomYum? #KinleyThaiBistro is the place to go
Yearning for Authentic Thai TomYum? #KinleyThaiBistro is the place to go